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Author name: Help Ukraine

Ваші права та обов’язки в Канаді (Your rights and responsibilities in Canada)

People living in Canada  have rights and responsibilities. These come to us from our history, are secured by Canadian law, and reflect our shared traditions, identity, and values.We understand that some of these rights and responsibilities are different from in Ukraine. We hope that this video will help you adapt to life in Canada.  Люди,

Ваші права та обов’язки в Канаді (Your rights and responsibilities in Canada) Read More »

Massive Garage Sale Benefits Ukrainian Refugees

➡️ Press Release 📆 Friday April 28⏰ 12:00-17:00📆 Saturday April 29⏰ 08:00-13:00📍 St. Michael the Archangel Church (4017 Victoria Ave, Nanaimo)We invite you to come check out a selection of quality used small appliances, clothing, sporting equipment, and other goodies. We will also have traditional Ukrainian food for sale. If you would like to donate

Massive Garage Sale Benefits Ukrainian Refugees Read More »

An open letter to the governments of Canada, BC, and Victoria

Dear Honorable Members of the Canadian Government, British Columbia Government, and Victoria Mayor and Council: I am writing on behalf of the Help Ukraine Vancouver Island Society to bring to your attention our organization’s activities and express our urgent need for funding. Our organization was established in April 2022 by a group of volunteers, to

An open letter to the governments of Canada, BC, and Victoria Read More »

Places to Look for Jobs

Our anonymous blogger is now settled and has asked us to share the following links. This is a collection of job search websites throughout Canada. On Vancouver Island, don’t forget about the Help Ukraine Job Board and the importance of registering with Work BC . https://employukraine.org/ 1. LinkedIn2. Indeed (https://ca.indeed.com/)3. Monster (https://www.monster.ca/)4. Work in Non-Profits.ca

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Statement about the Time Magazine Person of the Year

Help Ukraine Vancouver Island Society would like to congratulate Volodymyr Zelenskyy and the Spirit of Ukraine for being named as Time Magazine’s Person of the Year. Each year, Time chooses someone who they believe represents the most important issue or issues of the past 12 months. The war in Ukraine and the bravery of the

Statement about the Time Magazine Person of the Year Read More »

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