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Як я записав дочку до школи у Вікторії: мій досвід / How I enrolled my daughter to school in Victoria: My experience

Credit/автор: Alina / Аліна

Всім привіт. 

Здається виникла необхідність, тому хочу узагальнити інформацію щодо оформлення дітей шкільного віку в школи міста Victoria BC.

Опишу свій особистий досвід, якщо в когось інший шлях, можете ділитися своїм. 

Інформація розрахована на новоприбулих українців, тому пишу українською, але важливі пошукові слова чи листи і звернення для легкості копіювання і використання, надам англійською. 

То ж, школи Victoria BC входять до 61 school district. В загальному градація класів в державних школах така:

Elementary school K-5

Middle school 6-8

Secondary school 9-12

Але є відмінності і окрім державних є приватні школи, перелік і відмінності можна побачити за цим посиланням:


Щоб зрозуміти до якоі школи буде ходити саме Ваша дитина, Вам потрібно знати адресу проживання і ввести номер будинку і назву вулиці ось за цим посиланням шкільного локатора:


По адресі висвітяться всі 3 (Elemenrary, Middle, Secondary) школи і нажавши на назву ви побачите іі розташування і конкретну адресу.

Якщо Ви ще не вибрали адресу і хочете знайти житло біля школи, для орієнтування розташування всіх шкіл в місті можна побачити по наступних посиланнях:

Elementary https://www.sd61.bc.ca/schools/elementary/

Middle https://www.sd61.bc.ca/schools/middle/

Secondary https://www.sd61.bc.ca/schools/secondary/

Тепер про сам процес запису до школи.

Якщо Ви у приймаючоі сім’ї живете, або навіть тільки збираєтеся прилетіти, підготуйте за прикладом наступного листа і попросіть хазяїв його підписати. Цей лист потрібен для реєстраціі. Якщо Ви орендуєте житло самостійно, Вам потрібен тільки Ваш підписаний орендний договір.

Приклад листа:

To Whom it may concern,

(Назва школи) School,

School District 61

Re:   (ім’я дитини)

We are hosting (ім’я дитини і батьків) in our home for the foreseeable future, as they transition to life in Victoria following their acceptance as refugees under the Canadian Ukraine refugee programme CUAET.    

As such, our home address will be their home address, and we trust that you will accept our property tax bill as proof of our residency.

(ім’я дитини) will be living at : (повна адреса)

Our address falls into the catchment area of (назва школи), as (ім’я дитини) is (вік дитини) and will be entering grade (клас) in September 2022.

We trust that this information is sufficient for your purposes, but please do not hesitate to contact us if you require further documentation.  You can reach us at (email)



Потім Вам потрібно зареєструвати дитину, навіть якщо Ви за кордоном і ще тільки збираєтеся прилетіти. Надати потрібно всі документи, які наразі у Вас є на дитину і копіі візи і паспорта дитини і батьків. Навіть, якщо немає повного переліку, реєструйтеся, документи донесете по приізду. Рекомендую для цього, якщо це можливо ще до приїзду, зв’язатися зі школою по пошті (на сайті в Контактах) і забронювати дату і час зустрічі одразу після прильоту, або якнайшвидшу доступну дату.


Hit the Apply button on the top bar on the website:   studyinvictoria.com

( – when it asks if you are funding eligible, the answer is yes

–  if asked to choose, you are applying for the English program, (instead of French))

Після цього я отримала лист від VIE, Greater Victoria School District і вони попросили мене зареєструватися ще за наступним лінком:


Наголошую ще раз, реєструватися потрібно так швидко,  як це можливо. Навіть коли Ви ще не прилетіли. Документи потрібні всі, які Ви можете зібрати, надати…всі документи з Украіни  бажано перекласти англійською, навіть табелі. Окрім паспорта на дитину потрібне Свідоцтво про народження. Але, в Канаді всі розуміють ситуацію, по якій люди полишають свою країну, тому дитину приймають і без повного переліку документів. 

Після прильоту Вам необхідно взяти всі документи на дитину і іміграційні на всю сімю і віднести:

1) у Вашу школу (адреса на сайті школи чи локаторі) 

2) відділ освіти:

Uplands Campus office, the central office for school disstrict 61.

3461 Henderson Rd, Victoria, BC V8P 5A8

Ph: 250-592-6871

www.sd61.bc.ca | @sd61schools

Ще мені прийшлося стикнутися з наступним питанням, опишу проблему, може комусь допоможе. В Канаді клас, в який іде дитина, визначається роком народження. В нас же, впливає і місяць. Тому, по року народження моя дитина мала би йти в старший клас, чим потрібно. Я отримала такий лист: (даю приклад, щоб Ви не злякалися якщо також отримаєте щось подібне, все можна пояснити)

Based on (name) date of birth, she should be going into grade 8 in September 2022 and therefore the international student program and (school) have adjusted the registration appropriately.  Unfortunately, we are currently full in Grade 8, therefore, will need to waitlist  until a spot comes available.

Не впадаємо в паніку, а пишем наступне пояснення і все стає на свої місця, даю приклад:

Here is some additional information to my earlier email: (name) birthday is (day of birth). She started her 1st grade when she was 6 years and 11 months old. She was not eligible going to school a year earlier when she was 5 years 11 months old then – the national legislation does not allow going to 1st grade when a kid is younger than full 6 years. So, her 1st grade was the 2016-2017 academic year; the 2nd grade was 2017-2018; the 3rd – 2018-2019; the 4th – 2019-2020; the 5th – 2020-2021; and this year is her 6th grade – 2021-2022. (Name) is willing and academically ready for her 7th grade

Якщо для Вашоі дитини не лишилося місця в класі школи, яку показав Вам локатор, то школа, в яку Ви подалися надішле запит в найближчу школу поряд і можливо там буде місце. Але Ви маєте розуміти, що порядок черги такий:

SD61 uses the Tiers of Priority for Registrations and Student Transfer requests.  This process keeps it equitable for all families applying.  By following this process, (ім’я дитини) falls in Tier 3 – a catchment area student. (Tier 1 is re-enrolling students; and Tier 2 is a catchment area sibling) 

Тому, прошу Вас не зволікайте, а займіться реєстрацією дитини до школи так швидко, як це можливо. Шкільний рік наближається. До речі, стартує він цього року 6 Вересня 2022, час є все встигнути, тепер у Вас для цього є вся інформація. 



Hello everybody.

It seems that a need has arisen, so I want to summarize the information regarding the registration of school-aged children to schools in the city of Victoria BC.

I will describe my personal experience, if someone has a different way, you can share yours.

The information is intended for newly arrived Ukrainians, so I write in Ukrainian, but I will provide important search words or letters and addresses for ease of copying and use in English.

Also, Victoria BC schools are part of the 61 school district. In general, the grading of classes in public schools is as follows:

Elementary school K-5

Middle school 6-8

Secondary school 9-12

But there are differences and in addition to public schools there are private schools, the list and differences can be seen at this link:


In order to understand which school your child will go to, you need to know the address of residence and enter the house number and street name using this school locator link:


By address, all 3 (Elemenrary, Middle, Secondary) schools will be highlighted, and by clicking on the name, you will see the location and specific address.

If you have not yet chosen an address and want to find housing near the school, you can see the location of all schools in the city by following the following links:

Elementary https://www.sd61.bc.ca/schools/elementary/

Middle https://www.sd61.bc.ca/schools/middle/

Secondary https://www.sd61.bc.ca/schools/secondary/

Now about the process of enrolling in school.

If you live with a host family, or even if you are just about to fly in, prepare the following letter as an example and ask the hosts to sign it. This letter is required for registration. If you are renting an apartment yourself, you only need your signed rental agreement.

Example letter:

To Whom it may concern,

(Name of school) School,

School District 61

Re: (child’s name)

We are hosting (name of child and parents) in our home for the foreseeable future, as they transition to life in Victoria following their acceptance as refugees under the Canadian Ukraine refugee program CUAET.

As such, our home address will be their home address, and we trust that you will accept our property tax bill as proof of our residency.

(child’s name) will be living at : (full address)

Our address falls into the catchment area of ​​(name of school), as (name of child) is (age of child) and will be entering grade (class) in September 2022.

We trust that this information is sufficient for your purposes, but please do not hesitate to contact us if you require further documentation. You can reach us at (email)



Then you need to register the child, even if you are abroad and are just about to arrive. You need to submit all the documents that you currently have for the child and copies of the child’s and parents’ visa and passport. Even if there is no complete list, register, the documents will be delivered upon arrival. I recommend for this, if it is possible even before arrival, to contact the school by mail (on the website in Contacts) and reserve the date and time of the meeting immediately after arrival, or the earliest available date.


Hit the Apply button on the top bar on the website: studyinvictoria.com

( – when it asks if you are eligible for funding, the answer is yes

– if asked to choose, you are applying for the English program, (instead of French))

After that, I received a letter from VIE, Greater Victoria School District and they asked me to register using the following link:


I emphasize once again, you need to register as quickly as possible. Even when you have not yet arrived. We need all the documents you can collect, provide… all documents from Ukraine should be translated into English, even report cards. In addition to the child’s passport, a birth certificate is required. But, in Canada, everyone understands the situation in which people leave their country, so the child is accepted even without a complete list of documents.

After arrival, you need to take all the documents for the child and immigration documents for the whole family and take them:

1) to your school (address on the school website or locator)

2) Department of Education:

Uplands Campus office, the central office for school district 61.

3461 Henderson Rd, Victoria, BC V8P 5A8

Ph: 250-592-6871

www.sd61.bc.ca | @sd61schools

I also had to face the following question, I will describe the problem, maybe it will help someone. In Canada, the class a child goes to is determined by the year of birth. The moon also affects us. Therefore, according to the year of birth, my child should go to the senior class, as necessary. I received the following letter: (I am giving an example so that you do not get scared if you also receive something similar, everything can be explained)

Based on (name) date of birth, she should be entering grade 8 in September 2022 and therefore the international student program and (school) have adjusted the registration appropriately. Unfortunately, we are currently full in Grade 8, therefore, will need to waitlist until a spot becomes available.

We do not panic, but write the following explanation and everything falls into place, I give an example:

Here is some additional information to my earlier email: (name) birthday is (day of birth). She started her 1st grade when she was 6 years and 11 months old. She was not eligible going to school a year earlier when she was 5 years 11 months old then – the national legislation does not allow going to 1st grade when a kid is younger than full 6 years. So, her 1st grade was the 2016-2017 academic year; the 2nd grade was 2017-2018; the 3rd – 2018-2019; the 4th – 2019-2020; the 5th – 2020-2021; and this year is her 6th grade – 2021-2022. (Name) is willing and academically ready for her 7th grade

If there is no place left for your child in the class of the school shown to you by the locator, the school to which you applied will send a request to the nearest school nearby and there may be a place there. But you should understand that the queue order is as follows:

SD61 uses the Tiers of Priority for Registrations and Student Transfer requests. This process keeps it equitable for all families applying. By following this process, (child’s name) falls in Tier 3 – a catchment area student. (Tier 1 is re-enrolling students; and Tier 2 is a catchment area sibling)

Therefore, please do not delay, but register your child for school as soon as possible. The school year is approaching. By the way, it starts this year on September 6, 2022, there is time to catch up, now you have all the information for this.

good luck,


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