You and your families are welcome here. Accessibility in Canada is about creating communities, workplaces and services that enable everyone to participate fully in society without barriers.
- BC does not have one overall proof of disability designation, because different programs/services define disability differently depending on the purpose of the program.
- Information on disability services and supports is available at: Services for people with disabilities – Province of British Columbia (
- You can also search for programs and services on the BC211 directory; there is a search filter specifically for disability services: Home | bc211
- Information on the process to get a vehicle decal is available at: Parking Permits – Sparc BC
- Another useful source of resources and supports is the Disability Alliance of BC: DABC (
- Information WorkBC employment programs for persons with disabilities is available here: WorkBC – Persons with Disabilities
Supports and Services
- Adults with developmental disabilities
- Advanced education
- Assistive technology and supports
- Children and youth with support needs
- Early childhood intervention
- Employment
- Financial programs
- Health
- Interpreting services
- K-12 education
- Legal supports
- Seniors
- Sports and recreation
- Transition planning
- Transportation
- Other information from B.C. and Canada